PSI100 – Transport- 25L

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Preventive puncture protection solution that effectively seals air leakage the moment it occurs.

The product is developed with focus on better tire and fuel economy as well as road safety in the transport industry, e.g.

  • Truck, Trailers
  • Timber vehicles
  • Bus
  • Larger delivery trucks

PSI100 Offroad seals significant punctures on and adjacent to the tread, up to 15mm as well as dry cracks and pores. The seal becomes strong and durable during the tire life span.

Volume per tire 2-4 liters, depending on dimension. Before ordering and injection, see Volume calculator or Volume table below.

PSI100 is eco-friendly and user-friendly without e.g. glycols and latex substances.

It is important that the PSI100 volume is correctly balanced for vehicle type/use case and tire dimension. To give an overview, some common examples are given below. Before ordering and injecting tires, we recommend our Volume Table or Volume Calculator for detailed information.


0,2-0,9 liter/wheel


0,3-0,6 liter/wheel


0,7-2 ,5 liter/wheel


2-4 liter/wheel


2-5 liter/wheel


5-9 liter/wheel


8-11 liter/wheel

PSI100 is a preventive puncture protection solution that effectively seals air leakage the moment it occurs and thus ensures a constant air pressure for better tire and fuel economy as well as road safety.

Avoid downtime and repair costs
A puncture is not only expensive to repair, it also often involves significant indirect costs such as downtime and lost production, damaged rims and destroyed tires. In addition, a puncture often comes with the risky repair work exposed to traffic. All the above problems are prevented with PSI100.

PSI100 Transport seals significant punctures on and adjacent to the tread, up to 15mm as well as dry cracks and pores. The seal becomes strong and durable during the tire life span.

Better fuel economy and less tire wear
Correctly calibrated tire pressure is important for fuel economy and tire wear. Incorrect tire pressure, often as a result of micro cracks or air leaks create increased friction between the tire and the road surface. Industry tests show that for every percent loss of air pressure, wear increases by the corresponding degree. That is a tire running at 7 PSI where 10 PSI is recommended wears 30% faster (e.g. 3000 km less for every 10000 km). PSI100 förebygger flertalet av dessa skador/ defekter och skapar förutsättningar för ett stabilt däcktryck över tid med mindre kostnader för bränsle och däckunderhåll som följd.

User friendly
For commercial vehicles and industry customers, we know that simple and cost-effective processes are crucial. With that in mind, we have developed important tools and product features for PSI100 Transport:

  • Pneumatic Quick-Fill System där PSI100 kan injiceras i ett trycksatt däck. Dvs. du är fri att installera punkteringsskyddet när du vill och utan att behöva tömma däcket på luft. Påfyllnad per däck går på enstaka minuter och doseringen blir exakt tack vare tillhörande flödesmätare.
  • Punkeringsvätskan är miljövänlig without toxic glycols or latex substances. Product is easily cleaned/removed with water.
  • PSI100 Transport har en built-in puncture indicator som kan indikera var en punktering tidigare uppstått. Genom att belysa däcket utifrån med UV-ljus framträder en fluorescerande färg på platsen. Detta kan vara värdefullt vid större skador där inspektion och uppföljning rekommenderas.
  • A product for all temperatures. Ofta skiljer konkurrenter till PSI100 på sommar och vinterprodukter. I vår mening skapar det onödig planering och ökad risk. PSI100 fungerar praktiskt taget i alla temperaturer (> –350C )
Weight 33 kg
Dimensions 29 × 25 × 46 cm
Tested temperature



Eco-friendly, without hazardous substances


Hand pump, Pneumatic System Quick-Fill System

Puncture indicator

Yes (Fluorescent)


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Volume Calculator

Det är viktigt att volymen PSI100 är korrekt avvägd för fordonstyp/användningsområde och däckdimension. Dosering beräknas bäst med volymkalkylator nedan. Beräknad volymuppgift avser ett (1) däck.